
Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’

10 Oddest Twitter Stars

The best man who twitters about the newlywed’s sex life

An anonymous best man came up with the smartest prank ever. Based on the same concept used for the Twittering office chair, this cheeky guy set up a system to get and report increased activity up top straight from the groom’s bed. So, every time the couple is… ahem… “on the job”, there’s a tweet that makes this private moment not so private. Once everything is done, the bed even reports a summary of the love-birds performance!
The daring best man justifies himself saying the prank is a payback for a joke his friend (now the victim) played on him when he was his best man. However, he promises to never unveil the couple’s identity or his own. Well, with or without names, I bet the huge amount of visitors do enjoy every time they take a look at his profile!


The 28 year-old who moved back to his parents’ and became a million follower sensation by quoting his dad’s thoughts.

How would you feel moving back with mom and dad at the age of 28? Well, let me tell you that you’re not a loser and even in a situation like this, there’s still hope. Just take a look at Justin Halpern from San Diego, who turned this frustrating reality into an internet phenomenon. This creative man found his inspiration in his dad’s irreverent daily quotes that he decided to post everyday on a site called shitmydadsays.
The site contains fragments of conversations, observations and exclamations coming out from Samuel’s mouth, the most famous dad on Twitter now. The 73-year-old retired man has now thousands of followers on the internet. He and his son, Justin have even received some interesting offers from literary agents and book publishers.


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